Sunday, January 3, 2010

My resolutions for the year 2010!!!!

I hate to make resolutions for the new year. I never stick with them. This year I will make them again and see what happens. 1. Number one on the list is just take better care of myself. I have let so many people and things get in my way of living a healthy life, and I am just sick of being sick and tired all the time. I need to put other peoples needs aside sometimes and take care of mine. Maybe then I can better take care of theirs. 2. My children are suffering from my troubles and my mistakes along the way. I am hoping to make their lives better for the future. I don't know yet how I am gonna do that but I will defintaley give it my 100%. 3. Be a better wife to my husband. I remember my friend telling me long ago "would you wanna be married to you". That has stuck with me and my answer is no. I know having bipolar depression doesn't always help, but I am determined to make my familys life better. 4. I want to be a more spirtual person. I never really went to church but I know God is always with me. Maybe,  just maybe if I put this resolution first all my other resolutions would fall into place. Something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Put #4 as #1 and the rest will fall into place.
    p.s. I fed your fish :)
