Saturday, January 30, 2010

Burned electrical lines!!!! oh my!!!!

Well we came home last night to find a weird burning smell. Well my Rono checked all the heaters and while I watched I was looking at the thermostat. Well saw brown marks on the wall. Come to realize the wires all burned up in the thermostat. Called the electrician to come out. 24 hours later and 192 dollars we got a new thermostat. Wow emergency visits can be very expensive.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jury Duty

Boy first time ever for jury duty and all I can say is BORING!!!! I had no idea going into it that I could be that bored sitting check to check with 50 people. I did get picked for 2 cases next week. So I guess it is back to work tomorrow.
Atkins is going great. I am on day 8 and down 10 pounds. I feel wonderful. It is easiler than I thought. I did find some recipe sites so next week is gonna be even better. This diet is so good. I have so much energy that I never had before. I am grateful.

So I guess that is another thing to add to my list of grateful.  I am grateful for Dr. Atkins.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Gray hair OMG!!!!

Well I was sitting at work eating my lunch. Then I pull the visor mirror down to check my teeth as I always do before I go back into work to make sure nothing in my teeth. Well the sun was shining in and what do I notice but gray hair around my ears. I started freakin...Anita sitting beside me in her car laughed at me. I was upset. What the hell is happening to me. I think I am getting old. I don't like this.
Well it did get better. Mom wanted Rolo to come down and take the Christmas lights down. Well he never woke up so I told her I would come down. She said no dont waste your gas. I hate when she does that to me becuz I know she needs help. So I said ok and hung up. Then she calls back a minute later and said your Keurig is sitting on the porch. Well that is enough for me to not to listen to her and come down. So I did take the lights down and now I have the most awesomest coffee maker ever. Here is a pic if you don't know what a Keurig is. Thanks Mom you are the best and I love you very much. Thanks for my anniversary gift.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tomorrow my new start!!

So tomorrow I am starting my new way of eating. Low-carb. I have ALOT of weight to lose. I have tried many different kinds of diets which none worked for me. Or should I say I never worked them for me. But now is different. I have never been this heavy and this time I can really feel it. My feet my legs especially my back. I stand at work in pain all day long. I ask myself what have I done. Well it is time to make that change. I bought all the nessecary good stuff at the store and I am ready. So I will start this way of eating tomorrow and start the new me.

I also want this year to be more positive than others. So I want to make a list of things I am grateful for in my life.

1. My health...not at the best right now and I know I complain but I'm grateful that I can walk and do normal thing.s
2. My kids...again alot of work needed there but they are healthy and I love them.
3. My mom and Resh...they mean the world to me and is always there for me.

The list is longer and I will post more in other posts that way I can keep reflecting on the things I am grateful for.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A few days with my brother

It has been a good week with Allen who came from Pittsburgh for the holidays. We laughed and talked about old times like we always do. It is always good for me to get with him a least once a year and just reconnect with him. He means the world to me.
Things have been going pretty good around here with him here. The boys have been getting along rather well. Alot of xbox playing and rock band. It is loads of fun with Allen playing the drums, Bubba playing the guitar and me with my angelic voice singing to the songs. It was great.
I did get down in the scrap room and did one page tonight, with Jake right along beside me doing his skills also. I'm trying to get some old pics out of the way so I did one of halloween last year.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My first 2 pages of the year.

Well I haven't scrapbooked for a while. But with the kids back to school and less than a week to go back to work I thought I would venture downstairs and see what I can come up with. I've been wanting to get down there since my mom for christmas got me a weekend getaway with her to a crop. I can't wait. Here's the 2 pages I came up with.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My resolutions for the year 2010!!!!

I hate to make resolutions for the new year. I never stick with them. This year I will make them again and see what happens. 1. Number one on the list is just take better care of myself. I have let so many people and things get in my way of living a healthy life, and I am just sick of being sick and tired all the time. I need to put other peoples needs aside sometimes and take care of mine. Maybe then I can better take care of theirs. 2. My children are suffering from my troubles and my mistakes along the way. I am hoping to make their lives better for the future. I don't know yet how I am gonna do that but I will defintaley give it my 100%. 3. Be a better wife to my husband. I remember my friend telling me long ago "would you wanna be married to you". That has stuck with me and my answer is no. I know having bipolar depression doesn't always help, but I am determined to make my familys life better. 4. I want to be a more spirtual person. I never really went to church but I know God is always with me. Maybe,  just maybe if I put this resolution first all my other resolutions would fall into place. Something to think about.