Saturday, April 10, 2010


Had a pretty good day today. After sleeping nearly 12 hours of needed sleep, got up and made eggs and bacon. Then we got ready and went to Maw's house and mowed the lawn. Well actually Rolando mowed and I picked up some Boo's poo. Stinky shit. Literally. Then me and Bubba went to goodwill got some clothes and went to get coffee. Spent some time with Mom and had fun.
Came home and Rolando played outside with Jake and me and Bubba went to walmart. I hate that store but it is cheap. Came home and made enchiladas. Asked Rolo if they were good and he said they tasted like the salsa came from a can. I didn't tell him I cheated and used tomatoe sauce instead of fresh tomatoes. Oh well, he should be lucky I made him anything to eat. ;)

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