Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day from hell!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day from Hell

Well today was bad. I got up early and started cleaning...unusal for me, but did it anyway. So everything was going good when Bubba decided to start fighting with Jake. I don't know why but this day was very bad. He wouldn't listen and I finally got after him, he just laughed. Wow what is a mom to do. I guess I am doing something bad. I don't know. I waited for Rolando to come home from work. But of course he doesn't do any help so I was on my own. I kept at it with the cleaning. And of course Bubba kept add it, but it soon started just with fighting with me. I would yell and he would laugh and make hand movements in my face. It was so frustrating that I basically left the house by myself before I do something I regret. So I made my way to Wally-mart and walked around there for awhile. But that got boring so decided to come back. Came back to Jake sleeping and Bubba doing wash. Well the night is almost over Jake woke up and it now laying in the living room watching Sprout. And Bubba got the wash done. I guess I can be thankful for that.

I guess I will go to bed with a heavy head and try again tomorrow to make my sons happy.

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